Posts Tagged: chocolate chip cookies

The Nieman Marcus $250 Cookie Recipe

Raise your hand if you remember the ages-old urban legend about the woman who, while dining at the Nieman Marcus Cafe, asked to purchase the recipe for the cookies she was enjoying for dessert.  (ME!!!)  I have to admit that, not having been a Nieman Marcus shopper, then or now, I honestly believed it, along […]

Chunky Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

If you’ve been sticking with your New Year’s resolution to diet, exercise and avoid decadent sweets, then read no further.  These irresistible peanut butter cookies are sure to derail your efforts and lead you astray.  But, if you’re a bit like me and believe that there’s still plenty of time to whip into bathing-suit shape, […]

The Levain Bakery Cookie Experience

Raise your hand if you have never had a cookie from Levain Bakery.  Well, if you raised your hand and you’re ever in New York City, you’ve got to pay them a visit.  There is some kind of cookie magic going on there, and the cookies are seriously incredible. First, they are huge.  And when […]