Back in June, I blogged about my hairdresser’s pregnancy with her first baby.  Quick recap:  She and her husband chose to be surprised by the baby’s sex.  She had a premonition that the baby was a girl.  And a dream of her “passed-on” grandma told of a girl…..remember?  I knitted a pretty pink blanket because I believe in premonitions and voices from the “other side”.  Now do you remember?

Donald Jr. is absolutely beautiful, just like his mom, but as beautiful as he is, a pink blanket is all wrong.  And, in the note I wrote to accompany my gift, I commented that, in the unlikely event this baby is a boy, I’d replace the pink blanket with a blue one.


This was another 8-hour Encore baby blanket , but I was unable to complete it in 8 hours.  (is it me?)  I used two different Plymouth Encore yarns, held together.

Lessons learned:  1) gift notes need only say “best wishes”.  2) before casting on a pink or blue stitch, ask for DNA results.  3)  You can’t go wrong with white.
