Author Archives: Ann

The Versatile Blogger and Beautiful Blogger Awards

I am excited, thrilled and honored to receive these two very special awards from fellow bloggers.  I received the first one, The Versatile Blogger, from Melissa at thehungryartist.  Her blog features inviting foods and desserts, and beautiful photographs.  Her Rich Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Frosting is on my “will bake soon” list!  Thank you, so […]

Blueberry Jammin’

Last Friday was “Blueberry Picking Day”, and I left the farm with 7.5 lbs. of lucious, ripe, fragrant blueberries: 7.5 lbs. sure adds up quickly!   I was strolling around…picking…chatting with my friend, Carol…picking…and, before long, I’m lugging a huge pail of berries. I did have a plan, though.  This year, I would make blueberry […]

Buttermilk Blueberry Cake

While at the hairdresser recently, I was perusing through a copy of Woman’s Day magazine and came across this recipe from Valerie Bertinelli.  As a svelte Jenny Craig spokesperson, I was hoping that Valerie would offer up a tasty,  healthy and satisfying dessert, and she did not disappoint. This cake is not too sweet, has […]

Crocheted Baby Blanket

I bought way too much of this Classic Elite (Pebbles) cottony white yarn, and I knew that if I didn’t do something soon, it would join countless other skeins (referred to as my “stash”) that wait patiently for me in a huge plastic footlocker in the basement. I picked up a copy of Best of […]

Chocolate Dipped Coconut Macaroons

Yes.  It is 100 degrees outside and I’m still baking.  (Isn’t EVERY baker inspired when the thermostat rises past 90 degrees??) Well, if you love coconut like I love coconut, you’ll crank up your oven and give these macaroons a go.  They are SO moist and delectable, and the finishing dip into melted chocolate puts […]

“Time to Make the Donuts”

I’m not exactly sure where this “gotta make donuts” thing came from but, between reading other blogs and Pinterest, I found myself obsessed with the need to find a donut pan and crank out donuts of my very own. First things first…buy the pan.  Amazon had them, but I found this Norpro at Marshall’s for […]

Jake and the Neverland Pirates: Party- time

The little mateys that I care for during the school year know that June signals party time, and this year’s theme was Jake and the Neverland Pirates.  It’s a great animated Disney show that the kids enjoy tremendously, complete with catchy sing-along tunes. I thought about making “Jake” cupcakes but when my friend, Jen, suggested […]

Beaded Crochet Necklace

Beads + crochet = two of my favorite things, so when I saw this crochet necklace combo on Ravelry, I had to give it a try.  The detailed instructions are called “Infamous Beaded Necklace Tutorial”, by Devon Clement.  There are many creative interpretations found on the “projects” pages there which provide inspiration aplenty. My beads […]

Baby Sweaters: Boy or Girl?

There has been news of two new little ones that will be joining our family in October and December.  Yea!!  Since neither mom will know whether they’re having a boy or a girl, I thought I’d better get things started! First up, I found this pattern (called Burnett) on Ravelry: The yarn is Jeannee, from […]

Mini Chip Scones with Vanilla Drizzle Glaze

Scones can sometimes be dry, hard and crumbly, but these scones are incredibly light, moist and delicious!  It’s a good, basic recipe by Alton Brown that I found here.  You can pretty much add whatever you like to it, such as dried fruits, nuts or, as I did, two handfuls of mini chocolate chips.  I […]

(My Bad) Ricotta Cheesecake

It looks pretty tasty.  Right?  Nice texture.  Creamy.  Well, this slice of ricotta cheesecake proves the point that looks can be deceiving.  VERY deceiving. I served this as a dessert to my Bunco group (12 in all) on Tuesday night.  I made it as a special request for our dear friend, Lisa, who is relocating […]

Glazed Anisette Biscotti

The thin glaze on these tasty biscotti pushes them way over the top into extreme deliciousness.  Light toasting keeps them firm, but the crumb remains soft and tender.  I am not a huge fan of the super-crunchy-break-your-teeth versions of biscotti, which are great for dunking if you’re the type who likes to drench your cookies […]

Mother’s Day 2012: Our 3rd Aa-nniversary

Little a and I broke from our past tradition of going to the Elephant’s Trunk Flea Market in New Milford, CT, on Mother’s Day, and opted to spend the day together in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY. First up, brunch with the family at this wonderful little eatery called Anella.  The weather was sunny and warm, with […]